Testodex Cypionate 250

SKU: 2243

$33.00 In Stock

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Manufacturer: Sciroxx

Application: injectable

Dosage: 250mg/ml

Package: 1

Package Type: vial


Testodex Cypionate 250 (Testosterone Cypionate) by Sciroxx is a powerful steroid widely used by bodybuilders, power lifters and athletes. Clinically it can be used to treat infertility in men due to low testosterone levels. It can also cure anemia as it has the ability to raise the number of red blood cells in the body. Testodex Cypionate 250 is widely used in America and is a strong androgenic as well as anabolic steroid.

Testodex Cypionate 250 offers bodybuilders and athletes the possibility to form large amounts of muscles and increase considerably the strength. It is consider the base steroid to most all cycles. Testosterone Cypionate aromatizes quite easily and the conversion rate to estrogen is relatively high. This compound makes the muscles retain more nitrogen, which in turn makes the muscle synthesize proteins better, producing larger muscles.

Testodex Cypionate 250 Dosage & Cycle

Testodex Cypionate 250 active life is 7-8 days and the average dosage for men is 250-100 mg per week and it is not recommended to be used by women or may use it significantly smaller dosages. During cycles, in order to improve mass gain bodybuilders stack this steroid with drugs like Anadrol, Dianabol, Deca or Equipoise. For better results and higher quality Testodex Cypionate 250 should be stack with Trenbolone or Equipoise. The stack with Nolvadex should be used to combat the water retention. Testosterone Cypionate cycle generally last from 8 to 20 weeks, and depending on the metabolism and the hormonal system of individuals it can stay active for about 2-3 weeks.

Sciroxx Testodex Cypionate 250 Side Effects

Though this steroid does not affect the liver, it does tend to become liver toxic if it is taken for too long and one should know this before they buy Testodex Cypionate 250 Sciroxx. The gains this steroid gives in size, strength and weight gain are exceptional but you can lose them quickly too when you stop taking this steroid. Extreme lethargy can also occur when the user stops taking Testodex Cypionate 250.

Being strongly anabolic as well as androgenic, Testodex Cypionate 250 has side effects of both which mostly appear if this steroid is taken for longer spells. Water retention; a condition in which muscles lose their hard ripped look due to water accumulation between the skin and the muscles is one side effect. Gynocomastia or abnormally large breasts in men is another. Women develop male characteristics like deep voice, hair on body and face and can become infertile due to cessation of menstruation.

Another problem which occurs in males is that the body stops producing the hormones. Testosterones are naturally produced by the body, when we take steroids, the testosterone level in the body increases. The body then slows down its production of testosterones and if it keeps on getting testosterones from external sources, it stops its natural production of hormones. Low sperm count has also been reported with the use of Testodex Cypionate 250.

Hair loss, steroid acne, oily skin and growth of hair on face and body are also seen with this steroid. Increased aggression which enhances performance on the field and during competitions can become a social problem as the user tends to get irritable, short tempered and at times violent.