
SKU: 2127

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Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Application: oral

Dosage: 50mg

Package: 60

Package Type: pills


Primobol is an oral anabolic steroid manufactured by Balkan Pharmaceuticals and containing Methenolone Acetate, which is a DHT (dihydrotestosterone) based anabolic steroid. Primobol is mostly used in cutting cycles. The muscles gains occurred from Methenolone Acetate are not large in volume but are of high esthetic quality. It started to become highly utilized after 70s because this compound proved to be very easy on the body organs and hormone profiles. Primobol comes in box, each unit containing 60 pills (50 mg/pill).

Primobol Balkan Pharmaceuticals Dosage

Methenolone Acetate by Balkan Pharmaceuticals is the injectable version of the steroid methenolone powders. The effective dose of Primobol (Methenolone Acetate) in the type of injection is 200-300 mg weekly. In case you want to take this drug by mouth, 50-150 mg in a day is the directed measure. For men, 50-100 mgs /day is the accurate as well actual measure by mouth, while for women, 10-25 mgs /day is the finest quantity. If you have to administrate them as injections, the top dose for Primobol injection is 350-600 mg/week for men. Women have to use 100 mg weekly of this medication. Methenolone Acetate injectable active life is near ten-fortheen days, while the dynamic life of this medicine in the form of pills is approximate 4-6 hours. The time of its finding is four-five weeks

Primobol (Methenolone Acetate) Side Effects

Methenolone Acetate is a steroid that does not have estrogenic effects, that’s why users do not face the risk of edema and gynecomastia. Thus, possible side effects of Primobol tablets are associated with the suppression of the level of testosterone secretion. According to studies, the drug for 6 weeks at a dose of 40 mg reduces twice the body’s ability to produce testosterone. However, the effect only occurs at longer time of use. To compensate this negative effect, you can use Gonadotropin in the cycle of Methenolone Acetate, and at its end – testosterone boosters. Rarely, but still possible, such side effects as liver disease, insomnia, irritability, aggression.